Hazrat Malik Bin Sanan R.A was a companion of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W who participated in Ghazwa Uhad, proved his fear of Allah and Love of His Messenger and got eternal success through martyrdom. Here is his brief introduction. Family: Tribe: Banu Khazraj بنو الخزرج Father of famous Companion: Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri R.A أبو سعيد الخدري Wife Name: Hazrat Uneesa (Oneesa) Bint e Umro Bin Qais Embracing Islam: Hazrat Malik Bin Sanan R.A had already listened from the Jews of Madina about a Prophet how would be the last Messenger of Allah and will appear in Arabia. He already knew about the features of the last Messenger since he used to sit among Jews when they talked about Prophet Muhammad S.A.W’s appearance. Once they were discussing that He, The Last Messenger of Allah, has appeared in Makkah, Hazrat Malik bin Sanan R.A even came to know about the name of the prophet, Ahmed. Hazrat Saeed Khudri R.A says that when Prophet Muhamm...