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Khalifa e Barhaq wa Badshah Biljabr

There are  articles in this series which cover various misunderstandings and differences of opinions about the happenings during 48 years, immediately after the wisal of Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم).

Reason of fraction/conflicts in Muslim society is due to not following below Hadeeth.

Followers of Banu Ummayah and Banu Abbas try hard to fabricate the Islam but Ahele Bait (Banu Hashim) succeded in providing us True Deen .

It is soundly narrated from the Prophet(صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) in the hadith of Zayd ibn Arqam that he said:"I am leaving among you two weighty things, the first of which is the Book of Allah in which is guidance and light. Follow the Book of Allah and hold fast to it.” And he encouraged us to adhere to the Book of Allah, then he said: “And the people of my household, I remind you of Allah with regard to the people of my household, I remind you of Allah with regard to the people of my household, I remind you of Allah with regard to the people of my household.”. Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh, no. 2408.


Section A:Khulafa-e-Rashideen

  1. CALIPHATE OF HADHRAT ABU BAKR  (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ)

  2. Hazrat Umar (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ)

  3. MARTYRDOM OF HADHRAT UTHMAN (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ)

  4. Mawla Ali (عليه السلام)

  5. Imam Hasan (عليه السلام)

  6. Fazail Wa Masaib Moula Imam Hasan (عليه السلام)

  7. Shan e Moula Husain(عليه السلام)

Section B:Badhshiyat

  1. Banu Ummaya:Who is Muawiya? and misconception about him.

  2. Sahabi kaun hai

  3. Yazid Ibn Muawiya ( لعنة الله عليه  

  4. Muawiya ki Hukumat ko Bura Mat Kaho- Fabricated Narration

  5. Ameer e Shaam ka Saach kitaboon se 1

  6. Ameer e Shaam ka saach kitaboon se 2

  7. मुआविया की झूठी सहबीयत का तेहक़ीकी जायज़ा

  8. Ameer e Sham

  9. Radd e jhooti fazeelat muawiya (Ahadees e mozua fi fazail e muawiya qari zahoor ahmed faizi lahori saheb ki kitab ha isme pur itminan dalail ke sath radd e muawiya ki gaya ha )

  10. The Holy Prophet said : “There are 12 hypocrites among my Companions ” Narration of Sahih Muslim


  12. Muwayia ki haqeeqat

  13. Analysis of the narrations on Manaqib of Muawiya

  14. Baghi in light of Quran Sunnah and conern of Fuqaha and kya Muawiya ki baghawat Ijtihadi thi….

  15. Muavia Maulana Syed Salman Nadvi ki Adalat mein

  16. Who was Muawiya ?

  17. History of Banu ABBAS

  18. Who is Marwan bin Hakam

  19. Hajjaj_Ibn_Yousuf_Saqafi_(La'anatullahi_Alaihe)_Kon_Tha_Aur_Uski_Kya_Haqeeqat_Thi

  20. Bani_ummaya_kaun_hai_(Urdu)

  21. Muawiya ki mazammat me Mamun Rashid ka khat

  22. Muawiya ke Fazail ki Haqeeqat

  23. Ahele Sunnat Ulema aur Muhaddiseen ki Naazar mein Muvaiya

  24. No Hadith in favour of Muaviya

  25. Peace Agreement Between Imam Al-Hasan (عليه السلام) And Mu'awiya

  26. Views about Muawiya

  27. How are Muawia viewed by either Sunni, Salafi and Shias

  28. Shahadat of Ummul Momineen Hazrat Ayesha(رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) By Sunni Sufi Scholars

  29. Kirdar e Muaviya reference Ahle sunnat books

  30. क़ुरान कहो कि भला अगर तुम सच्चे हो तो अपनी दलील पेश करो # इख़्तिलाफ़ मुआविया बिन_अबु सुफियान

  31. आले उमैया ने इस्लाम के साथ क्या जुल्म किया

  32. मुआविया इब्ने अबु सुफियान paar kyun mehrban hai yeh ulema e duniyadaar…

  33. Shahdat e Imam Hasan Alahissalam

  34. Maulana Syed Suleiman al Hussain Nadwi : Ameer Sham ne zabardasti Yazidi lanati ki bayt li...

  35. Truth about Ameer e Sham

  36. Rafzee Nasbi and Kharji kaun hai define by Maulan Syed Sulemain al Hussani Nadwi …

  37. Truth-about-muawiya 2

  38. The Origin of Ijtihadi Mistake thesis for Muawiyah

  39. Who is Marwan ibn Hakam by Mufakkir-e-Islam.

  40. Muawiya bin Abu Sufyan ke Mutalliq Sahi Bayaan :Allama Syed Sulemain al hussain Nadwi sahab….

  41. Haqeeqat e Ameer e Shaam

  42. Muwayia ki ghalti ijtihadi nahi by ahele hadith mulla

  43. Hajjaj_Ibn_Yousuf_Saqafi_(La’anatullahi_Alaihe)_Kon_Tha_Aur_Uski_Kya_Haqeeqat_Thi

  44. Azmat e Imam Hasan Alaihissalam aur haqeeqat e Sulah

  45. Muwayia ki Yazeed Lanati ke bayt ke liyee harbe..

  46. Waqia e Al-Harrah

  47. Muawiya_ki_haqeeqat_quraan_aur-hadith-se

  48. Yazeed ne janaza parhaya maviya

  49. Jung e Siffin

  50. Muawiya Ne Hazrat Hujr Bin Adi رض Ko Dardnaak Shaheed Karwaye

  51. मुआविया कौन है?*

  52. Badr aur Karbala!

  53. _नमरूद_

  54. Hazrat-Abu-hanifa-ka-muawiya-ke-liye-qaul

  55. Imam Hasan Alaihissalam pe 100 shadiyon ke ilzam ka radd Quran se

  56. Hazrat Ali ke khilaf muwaiya ne bagawat kyun ki. 

Radde Fitna e Attaria Dajjaliya Minjanib- khankah e Qutbiya Ameeriya Kabeeriya kada Shareef (U.P) India.

Fatwa e Sajjadgan e Khankha e Chistiya Ajmeer Sharif:

[audio src=""][/audio]WhatsApp Image 2018-05-05 at 1.30.32 PMWhatsApp Image 2018-05-05 at 1.30.37 PM

WhatsApp Image 2018-05-05 at 1.30.35 PM



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