The Imam Shadhili said; about the Hizb ul Bahr By God, I did not utter it [the Litany of the Sea] except as it came from the Prophet of God (s), from whose instruction I learned it. "Guard it;' he said to me, "for it contains the Ism al-'Adhim-Greatest name of God:"- It is not recited in any place without security reigning there. If it had been with the inhabitants of Baghdad, the Tatars would not have taken the city. On his death bed Imam Shadhili gave Naseeha-counsel to recite his Litany of the Sea (Hizb ul Bahr) often, and he said, “Teach it to your children for the Ism al-'Adhim-Greatest name of God is in it.”
Hizb ul Bahr English & Transliteration & Commentary
and the Spiritual hand & blowing protection movements will also be mentioned
See text in Red corresponds with the 8 Secret Points
Bismillahir rahmanir raheem.
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Ya Allahu, Ya 'Aliyyu, Ya 'Adheemu, Ya Haleemu, Ya 'Aleem. Anta rabbi, wa 'ilmuka hasbi, fa ni'mar-rabbu rabbi, wa ni'mal hasbu hasbi, tan-suru man tashaa-u wa antal 'azeezur raheem.
Oh, Allah! Oh, Most High! Oh, Exalted! Oh, Gentle! Oh, All-Knowing! You are my Sustainer and Your knowledge is my sufficiency, how excellent a Sustainer is my Sustainer; how excellent a Sufficer is my Sufficer. You aid whom You choose,and You are the All-Powerful, the Most Merciful.
Nas-alukal 'ismata fil harakati was-sakanati wal kalimati wal iradati wal khatarati minash-shukuki wa-dhununi wal awhamis-satirati lil qulubi 'an mutala'atil ghuyub.
We ask of Your Protection in our movements and our stillness, in our words and our desires, and our thoughts; from the doubts and the suspicions and the illusions that veil our hearts from the perception of the unseen. [Note 1]
Faqadib tuliyal mu'minoona wa zulzilu zilzalan shadeedan.
Wa idh "yaqulul munafiquna wal-ladheena fi qulubihim maradun ma wa'adanallahu wa rasuluhu illa ghurura."
And “truly have the believers been tested and shaken, shaken severely
and if the hypocrites and those with doubting hearts say: Allah and His Messenger did not promise us other than delusion” (Surah Ahzab 33:11-12), [Note 2]
[Point.1 Upon reciting shadeedan point with your right index finger (Shahadah finger) toward the sky ]
Fa thibbitna wan-surna wa sakh-khir lana hadhal bahr, kama sakh-khartal bahra li Musa, wa sakh-khartan nara li Ibrahim. Wa sakh-khartal jibaala wal hadeeda li Dawud. Wa sakh-khartar reeha wash-shayatina wal jinna li Sulayman.
firmly root us and support us and subjugate to us this Sea as You subjugated the Sea to Moses. And You subjugated the fire to Abraham. And You subjugated the mountains and the iron to David. And You subjugated the wind and the Demons and the Jinns to Solomon. [Note 3]
[Point.2 At the word wan-surnaa-(and give us support or victory) think in your heart deeply of the purpose for which this dua (meaning the Hizb ul Bahr) is being read for, so focus your thoughts and zoom into your hearts your needs to be made victorious or be given success in a need or task or problem to be solved.]
Wa sakh-khir lana kulla bahrin huwa laka fil ardi was-samaa-i wal mulki wal malakut. Wa bahrad-dunya, wa bahral akhira. Wa sakh-khir lana kulla shay-in ya man bi yadihi malakutu kulli shay.
And subjugate to us every sea of Yours on the Earth, in the Skies, the Dominions and the Heavenly Realm. And the Sea of this world and the Sea of the World to come. And subjugate to us everything, Oh! You in Whose Hand is the dominion over everything.
Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad.
Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad.
Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad. [Note 4]
Unsurna fi-innaka khayrun-nasireen.
Waf-tah lana fi-innaka khayrul fatiheen. [Note 5]
Wagh-fir lana fi-innaka khayrul ghafireen.
War-hamna fi-innaka khayrur-rahimeen.
War-zuqna fi-innaka khayrur-raziqeen. [Note 6]
[Kaaf-Haa-Yaa-‘Ain-Saad] (3x).
Aid us,for You are the best of those who aid.
And open for us, for You are the best of those who open.
And forgive us, for You are the best of Forgivers.
And have mercy upon us, for You are the best of those who Show Mercy.
And provide for us, for You are the best of Providers.
[Point.3 When you read Kaaf, Haa, Yaa, 'Ain, Saad, with your right hand close your small finger 1st with by reciting Kaaf and close, 2nd next finger by reciting Haa and close, 3rd finger by reciting Yaa and close, 4th by reciting 'Ain and close, 5th thumb by reciting Saad and close, you now have a closed fist.(1st reading)
Now open as you closed with small finger 1st by reciting Kaaf open, 2nd next finger by reciting Haa open, 3rd finger by reciting Yaa open, 4th by reciting 'Ain open, 5th thumb by reciting Saad open.(2nd reading)
3rd time close small finger 1st by reciting Kaaf and close, 2nd next finger by reciting Haa and close, 3rd finger by reciting Yaa and close, 4th by reciting 'Ain and close, 5th thumb by reciting Saad and close, you now have a closed again.(3rd reading)
1st. Recite unsurna and open small finger
2nd. Recite Fa-innaka khayrun-nasireen open second finger
3rd. Recite Fa-innaka khayrun-fathiheen open third finger
4th. Recite Fa-innaka khayrun-ghafireen open fourth finger
5th. Recite Fa-innaka khayrun-rahimeen open thumb ]
Wahdina wanajjina minal qawmidh-dhalimeen.
Wa hab lana reehan tayyibatan kama hiya fi 'ilmik.
Wan-shurha 'alayna min khazaaini rahmatik.
Wahmilna biha hamlal karamati ma'assalamati wal 'afiyati fid-deeni wad-dunya wal akhira. "Innaka 'ala kulli shayin qadeer."
And guide and deliver us from the People of Oppression.
And grant us a fair wind according to Your Knowledge and waft it upon us from the Treasures of Your Mercy. Carry us by the conveyance of Your Generosity with Peace in our lives in this world & in the world to come “over all things You have power”(3:26)[Note 7]
Allahumma yassir lana umurana ma'arrahati li qulubina wa abdanina
was-salamati wal 'afiyati fi dunyana wa deenina. Wa kul-lana sahiban fi
safarina wa khaleefatan fi ahlina. Wat-mis 'ala wujuhi a'daaina. Wam-sakh
hum 'ala makanatihim fala yasta-ti'unal mudiyya walal majiyya ilayna.
"Wa law nashaa-u latamasna 'ala a'yunihim fas-tabaqus-sirata fa-anna yubsiroon. Wa law nashaa-u lamasakh nahum 'ala makanatihim famas-tata'u mudiyyaw-wa la yarji'oon."
Oh, Allah! Make easy for us our situations/tasks with rest for our hearts and our bodies; and peace and well-being in our spiritual and worldly lives and be to us our Companion in our journey and the Guardian of our family. Efface the faces of our enemy. Freeze them in their places so that they are unable to go or to come against us. “If We willed We would have wiped out their eyes, then they would have raced to the Way, but how would they have seen? And if We willed, We would have frozen them in their places, neither could they go forth or could they return” (36:66-67).[Note 7a]
[Point.4 Upon reading umurana-Make easy for our affairs/tasks think in your heart deeply your need and task that you would like to made easy for you, maybe a job interview, maybe a marriage proposal, or financial purpose, maybe some troublesome person is causing you issues in life or work, put the object for which this dua-(meaning the Hizb ul Bahr) is being read for in your heart and think about it, focus and make niyyah when you say the word 'umurana-Make easy for our tasks'and simply place that task to be made easy into your heart, or picture it happening in your heart when you say the word umurana. Know that niyyah-intention is energy and has a direction and movement and flow. And niyyah has a vibration or resonance or echoing and it maintains its momentum by the leve of intention from our souls and heart and when the words of a niyyah are said they travel and start to transform into action ]
[Point.5 Upon reciting the word (Wujuhi-faces) closed your right hand into a fist and shake it up and down to the ground and release if facing ground.
Thus 'efface the faces of our enemy,' efface means to obliterate, to wipe out; do away with; expunge: to efface or erase one's unhappy memories. to rub out, erase. And is a methaphor for a man's honour, another way it could be seen as is, 'Wipe out/destroy the faces or honour of our enemy'. For a dishonoured or disgraced face is below you and a head with a body is useless and powerless ]
"Ya seen. Wal Qur'aanil hakeem. Innaka laminal mursaleen. 'Ala
siratim-mustaqeem. Tanzeelal 'azeezir-raheem. Li tunzira qawmam-ma undhira
aabaa-uhum fahum ghafiloon. Laqad haqqal qawlu 'ala ak-tharihim fahum la
yu'minoon. Inna ja'alna fi a'naqihim aghlalan fa hiya ilal adhqani fahum
muqmahoon. Wa ja'alna mim-bayni aydihim saddaw-wa min khalfihim saddan
fa-agh shaynahum fahum la yubsiroon."
“Ya-Seen, By the Qur’an, full of wisdom.
You are indeed among the Messengers. On a straight way.
Sent down by the All-Powerful, the Merciful. So that you may warn a people
whose forefathers received no admonition and who therefore remain heedless.
The Word has been proved true against the greater part of them, for they do
not believe. Behold, We have placed yokes around their necks
so that their heads are forced up. And We have placed in front of them a barrier and behind them a barrier and further, We have covered them up: so that they do not see” (36:1-9).
Shaahatil wujooh.
Shaahatil wujooh.
Shaahatil wujooh.
May their faces be deformed!
May their faces be deformed!
May their faces be deformed! [Note 8]
Shaahatil wujooh.
Shaahatil wujooh.
May their faces be deformed!
May their faces be deformed!
May their faces be deformed! [Note 8]
[Point.6 Upon reciting the on word ('Shaahatil wujooh'-May their faces be deformed) slap the ground with your left hand. 3 times. with each recitation think in your heart of your enemies that they be destroyed. and strike the ground, and understanding is with the back of your right hand each time. however there is another understanding of using the left hand with the palm hitting the floor each of the 3 times and each with reciting Shaahatil wujooh'-May their faces be deformed.- Again see point 5. about the meaning of faces be deformed and disgraced meaning powerless]
"Wa 'anatil wujoohu lil hayyil qayyumi wa qad khaba man hamaladhulma."
“Faces shall be humbled before the Living, the Self-Subsistent. Indeed will fail, the one who has evil within him” (20:111).
"Ta seen. Ha meem. 'Ain seen qaaf."
Tah-Seen; Tah-Seen-Meem; Ha-Meem-‘Ain-Seen-Qaf.
"Marajal bahrayni yaltaqiyaan. Baynahuma barzakhul-la yabghiyan."
“He let forth the two seas that come together, between them is a barrier they do not pass” (55:19-20).
"Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem."
[Ha-Meem] (7x). [Note 9]
[Point.7 Recite Ha-Mim seven times,1st Recite Ha-Mim and then blow to your right side, 2nd Recite Ha-Mim and blow to your left side, 3rd Recite Ha-Mim and blow in Front of yourself, then 4th Recite Ha-Mim and then blow behide your back. 5th Recite Ha-Mim and then up into the air. 6th Recite Ha-Mim and blow down below. finally 7th Recite Ha-Mim and then blow across into hands and rub across chest and all over over your body, the reasons for blowing all 7 directions will be explained in the Commentary]
Hummal amru wa ja-an-nasru fa'alayna la yunsaroon.
"Ha meem. Tanzeelul kitabi minallahil 'azeezil 'aleem. Ghafiridh-dhambi wa qabilit-tawbi shadeedil 'iqabi dhit-tawli la ilaha illa huwa ilayhil maseer."
The matter is decreed, victory came, against us they shall not be victorious.
“Ha-Meem. The Book came down from Allah, The Most Powerful, the All-Knowing” (40:1-2). Pardoner of sin, Accepter of penitence, terrible in retribution, The Bountiful. “There is no god but He, to Him is the Homecoming” (40:3).
Bismillahi, baabuna Tabaraka, hitanuna Ya seen, saqfuna
Kaaf Haa Ya 'Ain Sad, kifayatuna Haa Meem 'Ain Seen Qaaf himayatuna. [Note 10]
[‘In the Name of Allah’ is our door. ‘By His blessing’, our walls. Ya-Seen, our roof. Kaaf-Ha-Ya-‘Ain-Saad, our sufficiency. Ha-Meem-‘Ain-Seen-Qaf, our protection.
[Point.8 When you read Kaaf, Haa, Yaa, 'Ain, Saad, with your right hand close your small finger 1st with by reciting Kaaf and close, 2nd next finger by reciting Haa and close, 3rd finger by reciting Yaa and close, 4th by reciting 'Ain and close, 5th thumb by reciting Saad and close, you now have a closed fist.
Now open as you closed with small finger 1st by reciting Haa open, 2nd next finger by reciting Meem open, 3rd finger by reciting 'Ain open, 4th by reciting Seen open, 5th thumb by reciting Qaaf open.
"Fasayakfikahumullahu wa huwas-sami'ul 'aleem. [Note 10]
Fasayakfikahumullahu wa huwas-sami'ul 'aleem.
Fasayakfikahumullahu wa huwas-sami'ul 'aleem."
Sitrul 'arshi masbulun 'alayna, wa 'ainullahi nadhiratun ilayna, bi hawlillahi la yuqdaru 'alayna. [Note 11]
Wallahu miw-waraaihim muheet. Bal huwa Qura'anum-majeed. Fi lawhim-mahfoodh.
“Allah will protect us and He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing” (2:137)] (3x).
[The veil of the Throne is extended over us, and the Eye Of Allah gazes upon us, by the Power of Allah, none may decree evil upon us. “And Allah, all unseen, has surrounded them. Truly it is a Glorious Qur’an. In a preserved Tablet” (85:20-22).
"Fallahu khayrun hafidhaw-wa huwa arhamur-rahimeen.
Fallahu khayrun hafidhaw-wa huwa arhamur-rahimeen.
Fallahu khayrun hafidhaw-wa huwa arhamur-rahimeen."
“And Allah is the best Protector and He is the Most Merciful of those who show Mercy” (12:92)] (3x).
"Inna waliy-yiyallahul-ladhee nazzalal kitaba wa huwa yatawallas-saliheen."
"Inna waliy-yiyallahul-ladhee nazzalal kitaba wa huwa yatawallas-saliheen."
"Inna waliy-yiyallahul-ladhee nazzalal kitaba wa huwayatawallas-saliheen."
[“Truly my Protector is Allah, the One who sent down the Book,and He protects the righteous” (7:196)] (3x).
"Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul 'arshil 'adheem
Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul 'arshil 'adheem."
"Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul 'arshil 'adheem."
[“Sufficient for me is Allah, there is no god but He, upon Him I place my trust, and He is the Lord of the Glorious Throne” (9:129)] (3x). [Note 12]
Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma'asmihi shayun fil ardi wa la fis-samaa-i wa huwas-sami'ul 'aleem.
Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma'asmihi shayun fil ardi wa la fis-samaa-i wa huwas-sami'ul 'aleem.
Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma'asmihi shayun fil ardi wa la fis-samaa-i wa huwas-sami'ul 'aleem.
[In the Name of Allah with whose Name no harm shall come to anything in the earth nor in the heavens and He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing] (3x). [Note 13]
Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq.
Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq.
Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq. [Note 14]
Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq.
Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq. [Note 14]
In the name of God, with whose Name nothing in the earth or sky can do harm, for He is the All-Hearer, All-Knower. (3x).
Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil 'aliyyil 'adheem.
Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil 'aliyyil 'adheem.
Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil 'aliyyil 'adheem. [Note 15]
[And there is no Power and no Might except with Allah, the Exalted, the Glorious]. (3x).
Hizb ul Bahr Commentary
[Note 1]
It’s said The first line of the Hizbul Bahr will be bring 1,000 army of Angels to your right side and a 1,000 army of Jinns to your left side.
[Note 2]
These are the 1st Quranic verses that appear in the Hizb ul Bahr taken from Surah Azhab 33:11-12, below is the beginning of Surah Azhab,they refer to the battle of Khandaq, and are about how the true believers will be rewarded, the hypocrites punished.
...O those who believe,(1)* remember Allah's favour to you, when the forces (of the infidels) came upon you, and We sent upon them a wind, and the forces (of angels) you did not see. And Allah is watchful of what you do. [9] (Recall) when they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes were distracted and the hearts reached the throats, and you were thinking about Allah all sorts of thoughts. [10]
“truly have the believers been tested and shaken, shaken severely [11] and if the hypocrites and those with doubting hearts say: Allah and His Messenger did not promise us other than delusion” [12]
and when a group of them said, "O people of Yathrib (Madinah), there is no place for you to stay; so go back." And a group of them was seeking permission (to leave) from the prophet, saying, "In fact our homes are vulnerable," while they were not vulnerable; they wanted nothing but to escape. [13] And if it (Madinah) is entered (by the enemy, in their presence,) from all its sides and they are asked (to join) the mischief, they would readily commit it, and would not remain in them (their homes) but for a short while (2)* [14]
despite that they had already made a covenant with Allah that they would not turn their backs; and a covenant with Allah has to be answered for. [15] (3)*
(1)* These verses refer to the battle of Ahzab, also known as 'the battle of Khandaq' in which different tribes of Arabia, led by the Quraish invaded upon Madinah, and the Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam: Peace be upon him defended the city by digging a trench.
(2)* It means that although they are escaping from the battle-field on the pretext that their homes are not safe, yet if the forces of the enemy invite them to join the battle against Muslims, after their having entered the city from all sides, they would easily join them in their mischief against Muslims, and would no more remain in their homes. It shows that their pretext is sham.
(3)* That is, everyone who enters into a covenant with Allah, has to answer how he has fulfilled it.
The true believers will be rewarded, the hypocrites punished other verses:
That Allah may reward the true men for their truth, and punish the hypocrites if He will, or relent toward them (if He will). Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 33:24
On the day when their faces are turned over in the Fire, they say: Oh, would that we had obeyed Allah and had obeyed His messenger! 33:66
So Allah punisheth hypocritical men and hypocritical women, and idolatrous men and idolatrous women. But Allah pardoneth believing men and believing women, and Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful . 33:73
If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and the alarmists in the city do not cease, We verily shall urge thee on against them, then they will be your neighbours in it but a little while. Accursed, they will be seized wherever found and slain with a(fierce) slaughter. (33:60-61, 2:278-279, 9:73, 49:9)
[Note 3]
Shaykh Ahmed Zarruq says; "As for the bringing about effects with this invocation, it is commensurate with one's aim and aspiration that one has command of it to draw or repel, intending what is desired when one says 'And subject to us the this sea- sakh-khartal bahra"
It is commensurate-(degree) think about this point deeply, if you want a answered dua, its about the effectiveness and the result of reading the Hizb ul Bahr, meaning the amount or degree of one’s Niyyah-intention-(see comments above in Point.4 about Niyyah has direction) and Himmah-yearning put into the reading. This is also the amount Sidq-sincerity or earnest put into it. Earnest, or seriousness,fixed determination, importance, eagerness; intentness. So one needs to read it with Earnestness to receive its secrets and this is true with any Dua or Wird or Award, it’s not just the words on the tongue its whose Heart is saying there words and what is the degree of Need of Help-Madaat or Nasr-Victory from Allah they are hoping for and is it being done with Sidq-sincerity and one needs to put or pay attention-tawajjuh in their heart and turn their heart towards Allah through the grace of their Shaykh at the point when one reads 'wa sakh-khir lana ha-dhal bahr' meaning and 'subject to us this sea'.
firmly root us and support us and sakh-khartal bahra-subjugate to us this Sea as You subjugated the Sea to Moses. And You subjugated the fire to Abraham. And You subjugated the mountains and the iron to David. And You subjugated the wind and the Demons and the Jinns to Solomon. And subjugate to us every sea of Yours on the Earth, in the Skies, the Dominions and the Heavenly Realm. And the Sea of this world and the Sea of the World to come. And subjugate to us everything, Oh! You in Whose Hand is the dominion over everything.
***Its Interesting how we are asking subjugation or to bring under our complete control or master over the 5 Elements; Fire,Water, Earth, and Air and Metal. We ask for complete control over Water (Sea to Moses) We ask for complete control over Fire (fire to Abraham). We ask for complete control over Metal (mountains and iron to David) We ask for complete control over Earth (Yours on the Earth) We ask for complete control over Air (subjugated the wind) and we ask for complete control over of the Unseen worlds of Jinn (Jinns to Solomon) and the Angels (Heavenly Realm). And we are asking for complete control over everything in the earth and heveans too from Allahs Power. And we are asking for Victory-Opening, Forgiveness, Mercy and Provides in our problems, just look at all the power we are calling on, for help.
[Note 4]
Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad. - Surah Maryam 19: 1
Firstly, this is from the mutashabihat so Allah (swt) alone, and no one else, knows the true meaning of it. But nevertheless, the following is mentioned in al-Jami’ li Ahkaam al-Qur’an of Imam al-Qurtubi:
ibn ‘Abbas said concerning ‘Kaaf Haa Yaa ‘Ain Saad‘: “The kaaf is from Kaafin (Sufficient), the haa is from Haadin (Guide), the yaa is from Hakeem (Wise), the ‘ain is from ‘Aleem (All-Knowing), and the saad is from Saadiq (True).” ibn ‘Azeez al-Qushairi mentioned it from ibn ‘Abbas.
It’s meaning is: “Sufficient (Kaafin) for His creation, a Guide (Haadin) for His slaves, His Yad is over their hands, Cognizant (‘Aalimun) of them, Truthful (Saadiqun) in His promise.” al-Tha’labi mentioned it from al-Kalbi and al-Suddi and Mujahid and Dahhak.
And al-Kalbi also said: “The kaaf is from Kareem (Noble), Kabeer (Great), and Kaafin (Sufficient); the haa is from Haadin (Guide); the yaa is from Raheem (Merciful); the ‘ain is from ‘Aleem (All-Knowing) and ‘Azeem (Supreme); and the saad is from Saadiq (True): and the meaning is one.”
And also from ibn ‘Abbas: “It is a name from the Names of Allah (swt).” From ‘Ali (ra): “It is a name of Allah, azza wa jall” and he used to say: “O Kaaf Haa Yaa ‘Ain Saad! Forgive me.”
al-Ghaznawi mentioned it. al-Suddi: “It is the greatest name of Allah, which if He is asked by it, He gives. And if He is called upon by it, He answers.”
Also from Jaaliya tu'l Akdaar wa's Sayf u'l Battar of: Mawlana Khalid al-Baghdadi
According to Mawlana Khalid al-Baghdadi, the letters Kaaf, Haa, Yaa, 'Ain, Saad in the first verse of Surah Maryam refer to the sifaat (attributes) of Allah Sub’hanahu wa Ta'ala or of Sayyidina Muhammad, Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam as captured in one of the salawaat in the kitab as follows:
...Wa bi Fadlillaahumma Salli wa Sallim Wa Baarik
'Alaa Sayyidina Muhammad-i
Nilladhee huwa Saahibu’l Burhaani
Wa’s sababu fee wujudi kulli insaanin
Kaafu karami’l kifaayati
Haa-u’l Uluhiyyati wa’r-Ri'aayati
Wa yaa u’l yaqazati wa’l hidaayati
'Ainul 'ismati wa’l 'inaayati
Wa saadus siraati’l manshuri
Siraatillaahilladhee lahu maa fissamaawaati wa maa fi'l ardi
'Alaa Ilallaahi taseeru'l umur
Salaatan tusbilu
Allahumma (Yaa 'Azeezu Yaa Jabbaaru Yaa Mutakabbiru Yaa Khaaliqu) [3]
And with the Grace of Allah's blessings, peace and favours
on Sayyidina Muhammad who is a personality with a clear proof,
and the cause of the existence of all humans.
The letter kaaf stands for the Prophet's unbounded generosity,
the letter haa is for Allah's Divine Power and Loving Care,
the letter yaa denotes the Prophet's wakefulness and guidance,
the letter 'ain stands for his sinlessness and loving care,
and the letter saad denotes a wide-open straight path;
"The path of Allah to Whom belongs
whatever is in the heavens and the earth.
Behold (how) all affairs return to Allah" (42:53).
A salaat (on the Holy Prophet) that pours like mercy:
For the sake of this salaat,
O Allah (O The Mighty, O The Compeller,
O The One Supreme in Greatness, O The Creator) [recited 3 times]..
[Note 5]
Give us sustenance, for You are the best of providers.- Hizb ul Bahr
War zuqna fa-innaka khayr-ruraa ziqeen
this line is to increase ones Rizq and read several hundred times#
[Note 6]
Beneficial for seeking a job, expansion of rizq and some unseen barakah.
Waftah-lana, fa innaka khayrul faatiheen - meaning "And open for us, for You are the best of those who open" Recite this; "Waftah-lana, fa innaka khayrul faatiheen" 123 times after Fajr salah. This dua should be read in this sequence on the 1st day facing the east ; 2nd day facing the west; 3rd day facing the north; and the 4th day facing the South direction. Also on the 4th day have a bowel of dry fruit or dates when reciting and send all the 4 days reciting thawab-rewards to Sayyiduna Khidr. Soon Allah will provide sources of enhancement of rizq or will be foretold in a dream about the methods of getting rizq.
[Note 7]
“over all things You have power”."(3:26)
An episode from the Battle of Khandaq
As mentioned the 1st Quranic verses that appear in the Hizb ul Bahr are taken from Surah Azhab 33:11-12, and they refer to the battle of Khandaq, the next part verse is “over all things You have power”(3:26). and this is about an episode from the Battle of Khandaq.
The disbelievers of Arabia, the Jews and the Christians all joined in a united front against Muslims and resolved to attack Madinah and fight a conclusive battle. This they did, determined to eradicate Islam and Muslims from the face of the earth. The battle is called 'al-Ahzab' in the Qur'an, and 'Khandaq in history, because the Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam: Peace be upon him had decided in consultation with his Companions that a khandaq or trench be dug around parts of Madinah to block the unhindered attack of the enemy during this battle. And this is what happened:
The Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam: Peace be upon him was taking part in this digging operation as an individual like everybody else. By chance, the diggers came upon a huge rock in a certain part of the trench. Those who were assigned to dig that part of the trench tried their best to break it apart but they became helpless and gave up.
They asked Sayyidna Salman al-Farisi Radhi-Allahu Anh: Allah be pleased with him to go to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam: Peace be upon him, tell him about the problem and seek his instructions in this connection. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam: Peace be upon him immediately came at the spot, took the pickaxe in his blessed hands and struck at the rock. The rock was shattered into pieces and from it rose a streak of light which illuminated the area far and wide. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam: Peace be upon him said: 'In this light, I see the palaces and buildings of Hirah in the country of Persia.
He struck again and a second beam of light rose. He said: 'In this light, I was shown the red palaces and buildings of the Byzantinians.' When he struck the third time and the flame beamed its light around, he said: 'In this I was shown the great palaces of San'a in Yemen.' Then, he said: 'I share the good news given by Jibra'il with you that my community of Muslims will prevail over allthese countries.'
When the hypocrites of Madinah heard about it, they found an occasion to ridicule Muslims just look at these people, here they are all scared of the enemy, digging trenches without eating and resting, not knowing for sure if their own lives will be safe, yet they are dreaming of running over Persia, Byzantine and Yemen!' It was in answer to a people so unfair and unjust that Allah Almighty revealed the verse:
The full verse is;
Say: "O Allah, O Lord of the Kingdom, You give kingdom to whom You will, and take kingdom away from whom You will; and You bestow honour on whom You will, and bring disgrace to whom You will. In Your hand lies the good. “over all things You have power”."(3:26)
[Note 7a]
"Oh, Allah! Make easy for us our situations/tasks with rest for our hearts and our bodies; and peace and "well-being" in our spiritual and worldly lives and be to us our Companion in our journey and the Guardian of our family."
This starts with a dua asking Allah to make things easy in all tasks, even this dua meaning, the Hizbul Bahr and its purpose of using it as a means getting success in meeting ones needs to be made easy and that our bodies and hearts are given Peace and then seeks protection or well-being, as 'afiya or 'well-being', is interesting as its used in many Duas for Seeking Protection and we are encouraged to ask Allah for 'afiya.
The Prophet(S) said, “Anyone of you for whom the door to du’a’ has been opened, the doors to mercy have been opened for him. And the thing that Allah likes Most to be asked for is ‘afiyah (well-being, health, security, protection).” (Tirmidhi and Ibn majah)
Abu Bakr (ra) said that Prophet (S) said, ask Allah for al-afw and al-'Afiyah because the next best thing after certainty is Afiyah. (Sahih Al Jamia)
The Dua:
Allahumma Inni Asaluka Al-Afwa wal-Afiyah
O Allah I ask you for forgiveness and Protection
Al Afw- it is the forgiveness of sins and concealing them from others. In essence, we are asking Allah to conceal all things we would be ashamed of becoming public. This includes our shortcomings, mistakes and sins. And furthermore, we not only ask Allah to kindly keep them hidden from others, but we further ask Him to forgive us those wrongs.
Al Afiyah- It is Allahs protection from all sins, sickness, harm and punishment. In essence, this is asking Allahs protection from things harmful to us and our interests in this world. This includes matters that pertain to our worldly issues and issues that deal with our life hereafter.
`Afiyah means safe from disease, grief and troubles. "Passing of the safety (`Afiyah)'' signifies the change from a state of good health to a state of illness and weakness or that one is overtaken by troubles and afflictions.
Ask Allah for `Afiya - for your sins to be forgiven and wiped away, so that it is as if you never even committed them.
Another Hadith with 'Afiya;
"Allahumma inni a`udhu bika min zawali ni`matika, wa tahawwuli `afiyatika, wa fuja'ati niqmatika, wa jami`i sakhatika (O Allah! I seek refuge in You against the declining of Your Favours, passing of safety, the suddenness of Your punishment and all that which displeases You).''
After Seeking Protection the dua then Seeks Destruction of ones enemies, "Efface the faces of our enemy. Freeze them in their places so that they are unable to go or to come against us." And is a reference of the following verses of Quran that are used after it, from Surah Yasin were, Allah warns the ones that followed Satan, the verses before this Allah says "Today We shall put a seal on their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us and their feet shall bear witness to what they had been doing" (36:65) and then the 2 verses of threats or warning which are used in the Hizbul Bahr of how helpless Allah makes them or can make you.
"If We willed We would have wiped out their eyes, then they would have raced to the Way, but how would they have seen? And if We willed, We would have frozen them in their places, neither could they go forth or could they return” (36:66-67)
So your eyes by virtue of whose sight you are carrying out all your obligations in the world can be blinded at one command of Allah. And your legs on whose strength you are showing all this activity can become paralyzed as and when Allah wills.
You can now see the energy of destruction of ones enemies is being asked from; "Efface the faces of our enemy. Freeze them in their places so that they are unable to go or to come against us" coupled with the following verses of Quran (36:66-67) that are only used more of a threat, the two brings the feeling of imminent destruction of ones enemies.
[Note 8]
When reading the words 'Shaahatil wujooh'-May their faces be deformed'. You hit or slap your left hand on the floor. It says in the sirah that these were the words used by the Holy Prophet (saw) when his house was seiged and he wanted to exit his house and said these words and made hand movements to the enemy, they all fell asleep and Sayyiduna Ali came into the house and slept in the bed of the Holy Prophet (saw).
When reading the words 'Shaahatil wujooh'-May their faces be deformed'. You hit or slap your left hand on the floor. It says in the sirah that these were the words used by the Holy Prophet (saw) when his house was seiged and he wanted to exit his house and said these words and made hand movements to the enemy, they all fell asleep and Sayyiduna Ali came into the house and slept in the bed of the Holy Prophet (saw).
[From Point.6 Upon reciting the on word ('Shaahatil wujooh'-May their faces be deformed) slap the ground with your left hand. 3 times. with each recitation think in your heart of your enemies that they be destroyed. and strike the ground, and understanding is with the back of your right hand each time. however there is another understanding of using the left hand with the palm hitting the floor each of the 3 times and each with reciting Shaahatil wujooh'-May their faces be deformed.- Again see point 5. about the meaning of faces be deformed and disgraced meaning powerless]
[Note 9]
Reciting 'Haa Mim' 7 times.
Recite Ha-Mim seven times,1st Recite Ha-Mim and then blow to your right side, 2nd Recite Ha-Mim and blow to your left side, 3rd Recite Ha-Mim and blow in Front of yourself, then 4th Recite Ha-Mim and then blow behide your back. 5th Recite Ha-Mim and then up into the air. 6th Recite Ha-Mim and blow down below. finally 7th Recite Ha-Mim and then blow across into hands and rub across chest and all over over your body.
The reasons for blowing all 7 directions is that there are 7 ways the devil and jinns can attack, meaning the directions they can came or enter into your body and the 7th is your Sadr-Chest refering to ones heart. Four of the seven are openly mentioned by Satan himself in the Quran;
From the Quran: He [Satan] said: "By Your misguidance of me, I will lie in ambush for them on your straight path. Then I will come at them, from in front of them and behind them, from their right and from their left. You will not find most of them thankful." (Qur'an, 7:16-17)
So Shaytan says; "I will lie in ambush for them on your straight path then I will come at them" (Qur'an) So beware that the Shaytan is setting up traps for us. What is an ambush, it means a planned surprise attack, the act of lying in wait to attack by surprise, a sudden attack made from a concealed position. So Shaytan and his minions or serving Shaytan Jinns are always planning to attack us, from not four but all seven directions;
As for Blowing; know that Shaytan blows on you and does other Vileness to the Son of Adam too
"Shaitan puts three knots at the back of the head of any of you if he is asleep. On every knot he reads and( blows) the following words, 'The night is long, so stay asleep.' When one wakes up and remembers Allah, one knot is undone; and when one performs ablution, the second knot is undone, and when one prays the third knot is undone and one gets up energetic with a good heart in the morning; otherwise one gets up lazy and with a mischievous heart."
The other Vileness of Shaytan
So he blows duas to make you lazy and sleep long and miss Fajr, And if you Miss Fajr salah, then Shaytan URINATES in your ear,(As-salaatu khayrun min an-nawm- and so' Pray is better then Sleep') and thus uses your ear as toliet,he stays up your nose when you sleep (he should wash his nose by putting water in it and then blowing it out thrice in wudu ), when any baby is born he pokes or pinches that baby so that baby cries (except Jesus, the son of Mary and Mary), he passes wind (farts) at when both the Adhan and Iqama is said and causes issues while in Salah too, such as causing forgetfulness of rakah.
Shaytan eats your food if you dont say Bismillah and sleeps (gate crashs your house if you dont give salam as you enter your homes) and will even join in with sexual acts if you dont say Bismillah when you enter your wives, and laughs and looks at your private parts when you undress thus say Bismillah when you undress your private parts or pull down your clothes when going to the toliet and then evil Jinns and devils will not be able to see your 'awra- or naknesses. and Shaytan will enter you if you yawn thus its sunnah to cover your mouth when you yawn and if you are anger Shaytan runs through your blood.
So learn to be calm when angered. And also from Surah Nas 114 we are told another one the 7 ways or directions of Shaytan enters the Heart,"4.From evil of the whisperer, 5. Who whispers in the breasts of mankind, 6. Of jinn and men." Surah Nas 114:4-6.
Al-Hafidh Abu Ya'la Musily quoted a Hadith which reported the Prophet as saying: "Satan puts his hand on the heart of man. If he celebrates the remembrance of Allah he removes his hand and if he forgets Allah, Satan overcomes his heart fully. This is the 'evil of the whisperer.' "
Ibn 'Abbas, says that the Satan is lying in wait for man. When he forgets Allah, he starts whispering, and when he begins the remembrance of Allah, he retreats. And one sees now the importance of finally the 7th Reciting of Ha-Mim and then blow across into ones hands and rub across (chest-Heart-Sadr). These are the 7 directions for protection from shaytan while he lies to ambush from all 7 directions.
The reasons for blowing all 7 directions is that there are 7 ways the devil and jinns can attack, meaning the directions they can came or enter into your body and the 7th is your Sadr-Chest refering to ones heart. Four of the seven are openly mentioned by Satan himself in the Quran;
From the Quran: He [Satan] said: "By Your misguidance of me, I will lie in ambush for them on your straight path. Then I will come at them, from in front of them and behind them, from their right and from their left. You will not find most of them thankful." (Qur'an, 7:16-17)
So Shaytan says; "I will lie in ambush for them on your straight path then I will come at them" (Qur'an) So beware that the Shaytan is setting up traps for us. What is an ambush, it means a planned surprise attack, the act of lying in wait to attack by surprise, a sudden attack made from a concealed position. So Shaytan and his minions or serving Shaytan Jinns are always planning to attack us, from not four but all seven directions;
As for Blowing; know that Shaytan blows on you and does other Vileness to the Son of Adam too
"Shaitan puts three knots at the back of the head of any of you if he is asleep. On every knot he reads and( blows) the following words, 'The night is long, so stay asleep.' When one wakes up and remembers Allah, one knot is undone; and when one performs ablution, the second knot is undone, and when one prays the third knot is undone and one gets up energetic with a good heart in the morning; otherwise one gets up lazy and with a mischievous heart."
The other Vileness of Shaytan
So he blows duas to make you lazy and sleep long and miss Fajr, And if you Miss Fajr salah, then Shaytan URINATES in your ear,(As-salaatu khayrun min an-nawm- and so' Pray is better then Sleep') and thus uses your ear as toliet,he stays up your nose when you sleep (he should wash his nose by putting water in it and then blowing it out thrice in wudu ), when any baby is born he pokes or pinches that baby so that baby cries (except Jesus, the son of Mary and Mary), he passes wind (farts) at when both the Adhan and Iqama is said and causes issues while in Salah too, such as causing forgetfulness of rakah.
Shaytan eats your food if you dont say Bismillah and sleeps (gate crashs your house if you dont give salam as you enter your homes) and will even join in with sexual acts if you dont say Bismillah when you enter your wives, and laughs and looks at your private parts when you undress thus say Bismillah when you undress your private parts or pull down your clothes when going to the toliet and then evil Jinns and devils will not be able to see your 'awra- or naknesses. and Shaytan will enter you if you yawn thus its sunnah to cover your mouth when you yawn and if you are anger Shaytan runs through your blood.
So learn to be calm when angered. And also from Surah Nas 114 we are told another one the 7 ways or directions of Shaytan enters the Heart,"4.From evil of the whisperer, 5. Who whispers in the breasts of mankind, 6. Of jinn and men." Surah Nas 114:4-6.
Al-Hafidh Abu Ya'la Musily quoted a Hadith which reported the Prophet as saying: "Satan puts his hand on the heart of man. If he celebrates the remembrance of Allah he removes his hand and if he forgets Allah, Satan overcomes his heart fully. This is the 'evil of the whisperer.' "
Ibn 'Abbas, says that the Satan is lying in wait for man. When he forgets Allah, he starts whispering, and when he begins the remembrance of Allah, he retreats. And one sees now the importance of finally the 7th Reciting of Ha-Mim and then blow across into ones hands and rub across (chest-Heart-Sadr). These are the 7 directions for protection from shaytan while he lies to ambush from all 7 directions.
Also these are the same ways Jinns can attack or enter a human body when black magic is used. As the Sorceries when they blow knots on people to destroy them or have them control by Jinn, they are blowing knots on the victims personal clothes or personal hair (normally underwear/bra or pubic hair, menstrual blood such as Pads and Tampons are stolen from the victims homes/bins. Also Nails, as for Nails its best to always cut them while in wudu thus they leave your body while in a state of cleanliness and can't be affected with magic and is Sunnah to cut nails while in Wudu on Fridays too) as "annafathati fee al-'uqad", literally "those who blow on knots". Surah al Falaq-(Surah 113:4) So in effect the blowing of Ha-Mim makes a shield or amulet from the attacks from evil, Jinns and magic from all 7 directions.
Also Shaykh Muhammad Yaqoubi mentions, there are also 7 surahs that start with Haa-Meem. Each Ha-Meem, is refering to each of those surahs.
Also those surahs which start with Ha-meem are also used are protection from hell too see below.
Also Shaykh Muhammad Yaqoubi mentions, there are also 7 surahs that start with Haa-Meem. Each Ha-Meem, is refering to each of those surahs.
Also those surahs which start with Ha-meem are also used are protection from hell too see below.

[Note 10]
Protection against people who have enmity or jealousy towards you
Recite; Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad, kifayatuna. Ha Meem 'Ain Seen Qaaf himayatuna Fasayakfikahumullahu wa huwas-sami'ul 'aleem meaning "Kaf ha' ya' 'ayn sad is our sufficiency. Ha' mim 'ayn sin qaf is our shelter. So God is sufficient for thee against them, for He hears all, knows all." Recite 3 times and blow on your palms and rub the plams all over your body before going to meet an unpleasant officer or person.He will give you a good treatment. If recited 7 times every morning and evening Allah will protect you againest all kinds of troubles.
'Bismillahi Babuna'-is the 'Barakah of the Door' meaning blessings for ones house. If 'Bismillahi Babuna' is written on a stone or a metal or a paper and pasted on the door of the house, will create barakah for the house and keep the evils off the house.
[Note 11]
Exclusive for women facing home problems
Exclusive for women facing home problems
If women face any trouble, from husband, parents, in-laws (sisters /mother) or estranged children after the death of husband or inheritors, then this act will be of immense benefit.
The method is, recite; Sitrul 'arshi masbulun 'alayna meaning -'The veil of the Throne is extended over us'. Recite this 100 times after Isha prayer for 21 days but with no break. So keep the days of menstrual cycle in mind before starting this, starting immediately after end of the period to be able to read regularly for 21 days. Be in Wudu and fix a day and time for reading for 21 days with no change, otherwise no result will be achieved. After 21 days when the objective is achieved then read only for 18 times because the dua has 18 words and pray to Allah. Inshallah the desire will be fulfilled very soon.
[Note 12]
Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul 'arshil 'adheem-[“Sufficient for me is Allah, there is no god but He, upon Him I place my trust, and He is the Lord of the Glorious Throne” Quran (9:129)] (3x)
Abi Darda narrates that the Prophet (pbuh) said: "Whoever says in the morning and evening, Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul 'arshil 'adheem: Allah will suffice all his matters - [both] worldly and in the hereafter. The Prophet Muhammad (s) said, (Whomever says it) 70 times in the morning and in the evening, Allah will take care of whatever worries him/her of the matters of this world and the hereafter.” (morning means after Fajr and before sunrise, evening means after ‘Asr). (“HasbiyAllahu, La ilaha illa huwa, Alaihi Tawakkaltu”. Also recited in Wird al-Latif of Imam al-haddad
[Note 13]
Safety against Sihr (black magic)
Recite; Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma'asmihi shayun fil ardi wa la fis-samaa-i wahuwas-sami'ul 'aleem. meaning -"In the name of God, with whose Name nothing in the earth or sky can do harm, for He is the All-Hearer, All-Knower". Recite it 3 times after Fajr and 3 times after Maghrib; Also recited in Wird al-Latif of Imam al-haddad
Al-Tirmidhi and Abu Daud narrated that 'Uthman Ibn 'Affan said that the Prophet (pbuh) said: "Whosoever says: Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma'asmihi shayun fil ardi wa la fis-samaa-i wahuwas-sami'ul 'aleem, three times, no harm shall come to them." And in another narration: "No sudden affliction will reach him." Also recited in Wird al-Latif of Imam al-haddad
[Note 14]
Reciting: Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq-In the name of God, with whose Name nothing in the earth or sky can do harm, for He is the All-Hearer, All-Knower. (3x)
In Sahih Muslim it is narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet(pbuh) said: "Whosoever says at nightfall, Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq, no harm shall affect him. And in another hadith a man came to the Prophet (pbuh) and said:"What an affliction I received from a scorpion last night!" The Prophet (pbuh) replied: "If you had said, when night fell, Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq, it would not have harmed you." Also recited in Wird al-Latif of Imam al-haddad
[Note 15]
Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil 'aliyyil 'adheem. And there is no Power and no Might except with Allah, the Exalted, the Glorious
Wa la hawla wa la quwwata is a Remedy For Sorrow
It is also reported that ‘La hawla wala quwwata illa billah is a Remedy/Cure for 99 Sicknesses/ailments, the least of which is sorrow.’
A hadith says that ‘La hawla wala quwwata illa billah' is one of the treasures of the Garden.’ Understand the indication contained in terming it a ‘treasure‘ and you will know that its meaning is among the mysteries; for reward is of the same species as the act. The Prophet s.a.w has also said ‘Two raka’ats in the depths of the night are one of the treasures of goodness.’ Their reward comprises a hidden treasure because the time of their occurence, namely the night implies this. Also recited in Wird al-Latif of Imam al-haddad
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