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Eid e Ghadeer Mubarak

Hum 18 Zilhaj ko "Eid-e-Gadeer" kehte hain. Log puchenge 18 ZilHajj Eid kaise aur Mubarakbaadiya dena kahase sabit hai?

To unke liye jawab: Ye Sayyeduna Abu Bakr Siddiq RadiAllahu Anhu aur Sayyeduna Umar e Farooq RadiAllahu Anhu ki Sunnat hai!!

Ke Jab Aaqa SallAllahu Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam ne Jiska Mai Maula, Wali aur Mehboob hun uska Ali Maula, Wali aur Mehboob hai, jab ye Aylan farmaya to Sabse pehle Shaykhain Kareemain ne Maula Ali Alaihissalam ko Mubarakbaad di aur kaha:
"Ay Ali Mubarak ho! Aajse Aap Hamare aur har musalman ke har subh aur har sham (yaani hamesha) keliye Maula ban gaye!!"

Aur Kai Ahadees me hai ke Aaqa SallAllahu Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam ne farmaya hai Mere Khulafa ki Sunnat pe Amal karo (kyunki Ye Mere Sunnat ke khilaf kuch nahi karte!!)

Isliye aaj khushiya manao, Mubarakbaadiya do kyunki ye Shaykhain Kareemain ki Sunnat hai!
RadiAllahu Anhuma

Tabrani, Mujam al Awsat, 3/324
Khatib Baghdadi, Tarikh, 8/290
Ibne Asakir, Tarikh e Damishq, 45/176-177
Ibne Kaseer, Al Bidaya, 5/464
Zarkaani, Tafseer Kabir, 11/1392


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