Cave of Ashabe-Kahf This is regarded as the cave in which a group of pious youths (equated with the Christian legend of the ‘Sleepers of Ephesus’) sought refuge from a tyrannical pagan king and in which Allah (ﷻ) caused them to sleep for 300 years. Their story is mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surah Kahf. The cave is located in the suburb of Abu Alanda in Amman. In around 250 CE there ruled a Roman king called Daqyanoos (Decius) who would annually hold a gathering dedicated to the worshipping of idols. Many people would attend, dressed in their best clothing. However, one youth believed in the oneness of Allah (ﷻ), the teachings of Isa (upon him be peace) and shunned pagan worship. He rebelled against the practices that were happening in the society. He attracted another youth and then another to form a small group. When the king heard of their rebellion he became very angry and issued a command for them to be killed. In order to save their iman (faith) they fled and went into hid...